The misunderstanding that babies start to learn to walk

       Since the baby was born, parents have been paying attention to their growth all the time. When and where the baby is developing, parents are very concerned about it. Some even regard this as a criterion for whether the child will be smart in the future, especially when several parents gather together. When they are together, they will compare each other to see whose baby develops earliest.

       When My friend Ms. Wang’s baby was learning to walk, the family members worked hard. The baby was not very good at walking when he was 15 months old. For this reason, the family bought him a walker and let him learn by himself. go. Sometimes the mother-in-law would also take a long cloth or scarf, directly hold the baby from the front, and then drag him from behind to walk.

       One day in the community, Ms. Wang took the walker outside and let the baby learn to walk in the community. A mother in the community saw it and hurried over to stop her, telling her that the baby can’t learn to walk like this, it will destroy his sense of balance, and the child may have abnormal posture if he learns this way for a long time.


When babies learn to walk, parents will fall into many misunderstandings. The following are the most common misunderstandings that parents fall into.

Misunderstanding 1: Give your baby a walker to walk

The advent of walkers has indeed brought convenience to many parents. Parents can also free their hands. Just put the baby in, they will roll back and forth with the wheels, and they can move with them. But in fact, it is not recommended for babies to learn to walk with a walker, because the baby’s premature use of the walker will cause their bones to deform, and the baby’s balance ability will not be exercised, so they will only use their toes when walking. , It is easy to cause the baby to walk abnormally.


The most important thing is that something like a baby walker is not particularly safe, because its activity is relatively large. If the parents are not paying attention, they may slide out a long distance with the car and the person. In reality, there are many reasons for learning. There are dangerous cases of walkers, so parents should try not to use walkers when their babies are learning to walk.

Misunderstanding 2: Wear shoes for your baby to learn to walk

When the baby started to learn to walk, parents were most afraid of their bare feet, because they felt that walking barefoot is very unhygienic and may be stained with a lot of bacteria, and if the floor is too cold, the baby may also get cold feet. Affect physical health. So many mothers buy special toddler shoes for their babies when they are learning to walk. I think this is unnecessary.


When babies walk barefoot, they can stimulate the peripheral receptors in the feet, which can make their brains develop better flexibility and thinking. At the same time, bare feet can increase friction when they are just learning to walk. Babies are more likely to master balance and learn how to walk faster. If the floor is too cold, it is okay to wear socks for the baby, but it is not recommended to wear shoes to learn to walk.

Misunderstanding 3: Learn to walk without climbing

Many babies do not go through this stage of crawling when they learn to walk, but according to the normal developmental laws of children, they must learn to crawl first, and then learn to walk. If they don’t learn to crawl, let the baby learn to walk directly, which violates their rules. According to the law of development, even if the baby learns to walk, the body coordination will not be particularly good. Therefore, when the baby is learning to walk, parents must follow their developmental rules step by step.

When the baby is learning to walk, parents should also set up a certain learning environment at home so that they can learn to walk better.


1. Be sure to set up a fenced area at home

When babies are just learning to walk, they need to use a certain amount of external force to support things to walk and set up a fenced area, which not only ensures that the baby can move in a safer range, but the fence can also play an auxiliary role. Parents are more at ease when the baby is active inside.


2. Toys should be brightly colored

Babies are very sensitive to brighter colors. Parents can prepare more toys of this kind at home to attract the attention of babies. As long as they can better mobilize their enthusiasm when learning to walk, they will play a different role in learning to walk Little help.

The development of each baby is different, but most babies learn to walk for 9 to 15 months. Letting the baby learn to walk too early has no good effect on them. Some babies do walk earlier, and some walk very late. The reasons for this difference may be as follows

1. Baby’s character

Some babies are naturally timid, and they are reluctant to try to walk because they are afraid that they will fall. But some babies are more lively in character, they are bolder in doing things, and are more willing to try new things, so they learn to walk earlier.

2. Parent factor

Parents who take good care of their babies are not conducive to their development. Some parents are always willing to hold their babies and prevent them from learning to walk. They don’t allow them to exercise at all. The babies are always afraid of them when they are learning to walk. Falling, so the baby has fewer opportunities to exercise and naturally takes longer to learn to walk than others.

3. Underdevelopment

Of course, among these types of babies walking late, there are indeed some babies whose development is lagging, and their overall exercises will be relatively backward. Maybe when other babies have already learned to crawl, they will not be able to sit on their own. Actions. If the baby is too far behind with the baby of the same month, then parents should pay attention to it and take the child to the hospital for diagnosis as soon as possible.

Baby learning to walk is a big event and is the first milestone in their growth in their lives, so they must follow the steps step by step. When learning to walk, parents should not be too anxious and want to let the baby walk independently. Only learn to walk in front of them. The foundation is laid so that when the baby starts to learn later, he can walk better.

Parents are very proud of every baby’s growth and progress. Parents will feel that their hard work is not in vain when they watch the growth of their children. Therefore, for babies to grow up better, parents must follow their developmental rules, and remember not to rush it~

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